Reaching the end of the year and after the traditional celebration of thanks giving in the united states, a day which indicates that we are reaching the last month of the year, we want to show you the products that you do not want to miss out in this 2020 and that you can ask for in your Christmas list to Santa.

If one of your goals for this year that is coming to an end was to start playing polo and become a superstar, we encourage you to not give up, 2021 will surely be a better year, that is why from now you can start getting ready to have the best equipment and receive the 2021 with all your polo kit ready to start your first polo class.

To play polo it is necessary to start with your protection elements, in some parts it is mandatory to use implements such as gloves, helmets, elbow-pads and kneepads, due to the fact that polo as a sport is highly competitive, and, by being on a horse there are a certain amount of risks that are always best to avoid, but don’t worry, if you are constantly and consciously training, there will be no risk that will avoid you from falling in love with the sport. 

Polo helmet

The polo helmet protects your head from all head injuries, it is one of the most used articles in any sport this with the fact that your head is an extremity that is highly susceptible to suffering hits when you are playing polo, if to this we add the fact that you will be riding a horse at high speeds, so it is normal that the helmet you use are more resistant than those used in other disciples.

Krono Polo helmets meet the PAS 015:2011 certification a requirement that has been imposed by the Hurlingham Polo Association (HPA) which looks to maximise the protection of all polo players and proof test all the helmets that are in the market, Krono Polo has the guarantee given by the HPA which means that all helmets are sure and trust worthy, produced with material and technology used in the F1 to give you the latest in sport innovation.

Polo Torusers

No polo outfit is complete until it has the traditional white trousers, now, if what you need are trousers that you can use during your classes or during friendly matches, we also provide you with the possibility of polo pants that have been thought specially for you, manufactured with sarga cotton turning them into a resistant and durable clothing, complete with elastane giving you elasticity and adjustment, more freedom of movement and comfort: both trousers those for practice as those for competition have an inner panel that protect your inner thigh from the constant friction from the saddle. 

Elbow Pads and knee pads

Both articles protect extremities that are used in polo, your elbows are in constant tension when taking the horses lead, they stretch and contract with each movement that is executed to hit the bocha with the mallet: this instrument is the instrument with which you can get mistakenly hit with or also with a bocha that is flying through the air in a wrong direction. As we were saying before, the elbow is a highly used extremity in polo, it is ideal to take great care to avoid any lesions and with these long periods of recovery time outside the game court. 

Krono Polo elbow pads are made with Kevlar, a material that is resistant and mouldable, giving protection to your elbow, they come with a pre curved shape and with a pore like texture which allow your elbow pads to breath and become much more pleasant when using them.

Kneepads on the other side protect your knees, a extremity that just like your elbow has a high level of involvement in the game, one of the risks that exist while playing polo is apart from receiving hits from the mallet or the bochas, is that of being crushed by the horse in a fall or falling directly on your knees. This is why Krono Polo knee pads are made with buffalo leather, an extra resistant material with an incredible long life given the special characteristics that this type of leather has.

Krono Polo had knee pads that adjust perfectly to this zone and at the same time improve the game experience, sometimes protection elements are uncomfortable because we can loose the real sensation of our bodies, the produce in us extra weight when playing or increment the sweating in certain parts of our bodies, however, Krono has found a way of improving the game experience with their implements and this has been recognized by main polo players internationally. 

If in this 2020 you missed the chance to start playing polo, don’t allow the same thing to happen in 2021, this year many sport disciplines where left with the thirst of achieving their seasons, but they assure that 2021 will be the rematch. Do not be left out of living the experience of one of the most exclusive sports that exist, turn Krono Polo in your number one ally.


Written by: Santiago B. Posada

Translated by: Mayra Alejandra V. Ramos