
Horses are a main part in a polo game, some can even affirm that the polo ponies represent from 70% to 80% of the game. This gives reason for it to be normal for players to equip themselves with the best horses, turning them not only into their animals but also their allies in their game field. It is usual to have the best horses, with exceptional characteristics and care from the players, horse care takers and vets, curiously this is not the case for the saddle as it is not always adequate due to its size, weight or materials with which it is made.

An inadequate saddle can cause lesions, discomfort and hurt the horses during and after a match, giving this the result of lower efficiency in the game field because it is impossible for these animals to give their best potential. Sometimes we make these mistakes due to a lack of knowledge or unintentionally, at time we fall into the temptation of misplacing the sit too ahead on the horse, because this way you can have more control because we would be placing ourselves almost on the height of the shoulders of the horse, but this causes for the shoulder blades of the animal to not have free movement, and on the contraire the wear out and the tiredness will be bigger. Also the discomfort that is caused by a light and flexible saddle that does not flow with the horses back can also cause pain.

A polo saddle must be flexible to the movements of the horses back, however it does not always happen, causing discomfort in the animal and affecting directly the performance of the horse, this avoids movements that can cause pain or discomfort.

A polo saddle is not only to bear the weight of the player on top of the horse, it has much more important functions. Through the saddle we can control and manage the animal, this connection is given through the higher part of the chair and our legs. The ideal is that the polo saddle is an elongated and flat allowing for the legs of the polo player to get a grip and this way ease the control and give a solid hit structure. 

Krono Polo saddles are made with excellent material like: pure wool, wood from haya, leather and chamois, all of these are taken into consideration to give tributes that benefit the player and the horse. Additionally, it is one of the most lightest in the market, maintains your gravity centre and allows you to have complete control of your animal without giving you any hassle or restraining it from its freedom of movement, its recovery will be much quicker potentializing the use of the horse between every chukka.

The average life expectancy of a polo saddle is between 2 to 20 years, as you can see the range is very wide, now, what depends of a polo saddle having a maximum life? This can vary depending on the design, the main fabrics and the way in which it is made. A low-quality saddle tends to deform with time and even though at the beginning it may show that it is adequate, with the years or even months it may start losing its original qualities.

Krono polo saddles are designed with a clear objective: to give you all the features possible for the game field, always looking efficiency in the players and the best efficiency on the horses. 

Searching for a way in which the horses are always feeling comfortable, the lateral panels are covered with pure wool, which give softness and care to the horse’s fur. Additionally, this material allows to cushion the constant hit when riding and allows the saddle to fit to the horse’s form.

What polo horses are most grateful for are the freedom of movement, where they can use their body completely and you take away the causes of pain. On their part, for the player a good saddle means keeping good balance in their gravitational centre, providing a good communication with the horse and getting the best results. 

Krono has managed to obtain, under hundreds of tests and years of study, ultralight, comfortable and durable frames; an investment that pays off quickly after you start to see the wonderful results and its long duration. A Krono Polo saddle not only gives you results in each game, one of the most important factors is the care you give your horse, we already know how important these animals are to you and, if they are important to you, they are important to us.

Our saddle is available in different sizes and with worldwide shipping, schedule with time your consultancy to reduce the waiting time and solve your questions. Visit our website www.kronopolo.com for more information.     

Written by: Santiago Betancur