To be able to say that we are actually playing polo, at least we need to wear the classic white competition trousers, which have become a tradition in polo and that date back to ancient India where they used to wear lightweight and light-coloured garments to cope with the summer heat. It is also important to highlight the polo shirts, worn loose in a breathable and easily recognisable fabric for the players on the field.

Bespoke polo shirts can feature different designs, either with your name or your initials, depending on the way you and your team feel represented. Thanks to technological advances, Krono Polo offers a platform where you can design your own shirt according to your tastes and preferences. You can try using different colours, logos or shapes.

Playing polo goes beyond hitting a ball while you are riding a horse at high-speed. Playing polo is about passion, skill, competitiveness and adrenaline. Now, without doubt, polo is one of the most stylish and classy sports in the world, it is clear that we need to be up to the challenge.

Tip: one of the mandatory items when playing polo, as important as having a good horse or a polo helmet, is sunscreen. Imagine being for hours under the summer sun, hitting directly on our face. If you want to avoid spots, scars or even dangerous diseases, it is important to use a good sunscreen, with high protection from UV rays. It is a good moment also to remind you about the use of sunglasses, that not only improve your vision at the field but also protect your retina from the sun.

As a conclusion, we can say that if your dream is to become the new polo star, or if you already are and your goal is to be remembered as one of the greatest polo players, the answer is to make Krono Polo your partner brand. Nowadays, it is trusted by the top players of the world and to wear Krono will not only make you look great but also will make you feel comfortable and you will be able to focus on your priority: having fun.

At Krono Polo you can customise your team shirt, polo whites, sunglasses and the whole outfit in general. We are in debt with the sunscreen! Log on now to