RETURN TO THE GYM SLOW BUT SAFEía_in_Krono_polo-1903x596.png

At this time of year, it is normal for gym memberships to collapse. After the Christmas season and New Year celebrations, we can say that there are few people who continue with the habit of attending the gym and continue training, but now, after seeing the effects of losing the diet it is normal that we all want to return to the fitness centres.

At first it can be overwhelming to think about going back to the gym and knowing that our stamina and fitness may be affected. However, with the right strategy and progressive exercises it is possible to regain our condition in a safe way.

Keeping it real

Losing some strength and muscle mass is normal after some time off, but the body hardly forgets what it is capable of even if for a few weeks or months training has been paused. Muscle memory allows us to remember the skills we once possessed, just as we remember how to ride a bicycle. So, we will get to the point where we will gradually return to the routines we used to do in the gym.

This does not mean that from day one we can match the weight we lifted before we said goodbye to the gym, but it does prove that with an effective and consistent plan we can regain the same strength level in a short time. The important thing is to recognise where we are at the moment without overloading our muscles and, from there, set an achievable goal to get back to the same level.


Regaining the technique

Technique ensures that we work our muscles properly, it is easy to forget some correct movements after a while or perhaps due to loss of strength we may find it easier to perform them inappropriately. This is why we should review some movements and start as a beginner to ensure a solid foundation of routines that work our body properly.

It would be ideal to start with cardiovascular exercises that involve the whole body, in order to avoid stressing only one area. This way we can get our body used to the exercise routines until we can focus on a single body region.


Making the commitment 

After this new reality, in which many gyms were closed for a long time, some people have adapted to training from home. The important thing is to maintain the will to train from the fitness centre, at home or in a park; having the disposition to designate a specific time for each workout and respecting that appointment with ourselves. Discipline is vital for results.

Gear Up

Having the right sportswear and equipment allows us to obtain faster and more visible results. Krono Polo has a personalised line of sportswear ideal for training at home or in the gym, the contemporary and youthful design are its two flags so it is easy to identify with its products.

Krono, as a brand specialised in polo articles, wanted to bring to the market this version of customisable sportswear with polo teams in mind, which are made up of groups of four people. As a result, Krono customisable clothing is sold under minimum orders of four garments per reference which you can add elements of your team or personal choice.

It is vital that the garments are breathable and close fitting to ensure optimum performance, plus sportswear that makes us look good improves self-esteem and motivates us to want to continue training.



Returning to the gym can be fun and encouraging, but in many cases, it can be difficult to get back into the habit of training regularly. It is essential to be motivated, being realistic we must make up for lost time, but also to give the body space to regain technique and fitness. A great support is the equipment we use when we go to the gym, Krono Polo offers us quality items to resume the process of returning to training.

Get to know our personalised sports items at

Written by: Santiago B. Posada

Translated by: Mayra Alejandra V. Ramos